


Section 6401 -Scope

Stationary lead-acid battery systems having a liquid capacity of more than 100 gallons (378.5 L) used for facility standby power, emergency power or uninterrupted power supplies shall be in accordance with Article 64. Stationary lead-acid battery systems with individual lead-acid batteries exceeding 20 gallons (75.7 L) each shall also comply with Article 80.

Section 6402 -Definitions


Section 6403 -Permits

6403.1 General
For a permit to install or operate battery systems with stationary lead-acid batteries, see Section 1 05.8, permit b. 1.

6403.2 Design Submittals
Prior to installation, plans shall be submitted and approved.

Section 6404 -Installation and Maintenance

6404.1 General
Installation and maintenance of battery systems shall be in accordance with nationally recognized standards. See section 9003, Standards a.2.10 and a.2.11, and Section 6404.

6404.2 Safety Venting
Batteries shall be provided with safety venting caps.

6404.3 Occupancy Separation
In other and A, E, I and R Occupancies, battery systems shall be located in a room separated from other portions of the building by a minimum one-hour fire-resistive occupancy separation. In A, E, I and R Occupancies, battery systems shall be located in a room separated from other portions of the building by a two-hour fire-resistive occupancy separation.

6404.4 Spill Control
Each rack of batteries, or group of rack shall be provided with a liquid-tight 4-inch (1O 1.6 mm) spill-control barrier which extends at least I inch (25.4 mm) beyond the battery rack in all directions.

6404.5 Neutralization
An approved method to neutralize spilled electrolyte shall be provided. The method shall be capable of neutralizing a spill from the largest lead-acid battery to a pH between 7.0 and 9.0.

6404.6 Ventilation
Ventilation shall be provided in accordance with the Mechanical Code and the following:
1. The ventilation system shall be designed to limit the maximum concentration of hydrogen to 1.0 percent of the total volume of the room in accordance with the nationally recognized standards, or
2. Continuous ventilation shall be provided at a rate of not less than I cubic foot per minute per square foot (5.1 Lis per m2) of floor area of the room.

6404.7 Signs
Doors into rooms or buildings containing stationary lead-acid battery systems shall be provided with approved signs. The signs shall state that the room contains lead-acid battery systems, that the battery room contains energized electrical circuits and that the battery electrolyte solutions are corrosive liquids.

6404.8 Seismic Protection
Battery systems shall be seismically braced in accordance with the Building Code.

6404.9 Smoke Detection
An approved automatic smoke detection system shall be installed in such areas and supervised by an approved, central, proprietary or remote station service or a local alarm which will give an audible signal at a constantly attended location.

We have a complete line of products for dealing with battery acids.

The Original Battery Mat® can help you comply with Article 64 of the 1995 Supplement of the U.F.C, which specifies that stationary lead-acid batteries must have an approved method for neutralizing spilled acid.

Please contact us at if you need more information